To My Little Girl on Your Very First Day of Preschool

To My little girl on this incredibly big milestone of your life:

I am so proud of you. You have come so far from barely being able to lift your head up, to old enough to attend preschool in such a short time (for me) – for you, it took a lifetime to get here and this may seem like just any other day to you – but let me tell you – it is a big deal.

Nothing will be the same once you start your journey in school. No more 24/7 at home with Mom – which may seem like a wonderful change of pace: Mom can have her much needed alone time, and you can venture into the world like the big girl you are and socialize with kids your own age. Even if you grow up without the memories of the whole days we spent together because you’re just too little right now to retain them in full, I will remember them forever; I will miss them as soon as they’re gone – and it is a big deal.

Preschool doesn’t mean you haven’t learned anything at home. What you learn at home you will carry with you just as much or even more than what you can ever learn in class. But remember: School is so much more than what is in the books. You are going to meet new friends and learn to deal with all sorts of other personalities. You are going to grow, play new games, take turns, practice compassion, laugh, cry, feel frustration, feel accomplishment, and learn things you never thought were possible – all without me by your side. And that is a big deal.

I didn’t cry when your sisters had their first days of school. I almost did, but not quite. They started their school days in kindergarten when they were 5; a lot older than you are now at age 3 – and neither of them were my last child, my baby. So please – hang on to me a little bit longer when I drop you off on your first day, and don’t be worried if you see a couple of tears in Mommy’s eyes, it’s just that this day is kind of a big deal…

Remember to ask questions when you don’t get it. Remember to always show kindness, even if you don’t feel you are receiving it – because you will get it back later. Either from the ones you show it to, or the ones who watch you practicing it. It might be years and years down the road, but always remember that people never forget how you made them feel. Remember that your family loves you so much – even if we are not by your side every minute. Remember your worth and how much you are capable of, and that you, little missy, are a big deal yourself.

You are a strong girl and you can do this. New things can be tough, but one day you will crave new experiences. Whether you realize it or not, your first day of Preschool is the start of one of the biggest adventures of your life – your education – which will continue well after your childhood is over. School days will be some of the earliest memories that you will carry forever. So make the most of it. Smile and be brave. What takes a lifetime for you will come in the blink of an eye for me. You will be all grown up before I know it; but you will always be my little girl; my baby. And I love you.

– Your Mom



1 thought on “To My Little Girl on Your Very First Day of Preschool”

  1. What a beautiful tribute to your child. In years to come she will read this and appreciate whatvyou have written. Big huGs to you as she starts a new chapter in her life.

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