The Perfect Churros Recipe

Have a sweet tooth? Check out this recipe we found for the most perfect churros. It is super easy to follow; my 12 year old whipped these up (first ever attempt at churros) and they came out perfect!

Easy for kids to follow along, but I do recommend parent help, as they need to be fried in hot oil.

What you’ll need:

  • Piping bag (with star tip)
  • Medium size pot
  • Pan for frying
  • Paper towel
  • Shallow bowl or plate for sugar topping


  • 6 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 & 1/2 tbsp of sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 egg yolk
  • oil for frying

Get started

Sugar mix: whisk together 1/2 cup of sugar + 1 tsp of cinnamon

Make the dough:

  1. Put your pot on the burner on medium heat
  2. Melt 6 tbsp of butter
  3. Add 1 cup of water
  4. Add 1 tsp of sea salt
  5. Add 1 & 1/2 tsp sugar
  6. Add 2 tsp vanilla
  7. Bring to a boil
  8. Add 1 cup of flour & mix until dough forms
  9. Remove from heat and add 3 eggs + 1 yolk
  10. Mix until batter forms

Add the dough to your piping bag.


  • Prepare a plate with paper towel on top
  • Fill your pan about 1/2 way with oil
  • Heat to 190 degrees C
  • Squeeze 5-6 inch strips of dough from your piping bag into the oil and cut the tip with scissors
  • Fry for 5-8 minutes or until golden brown
  • Remove churros from the oil and transfer onto your plate with the paper towel
  • Wait approx 30 seconds and roll them around in your sugar/cinnamon mix


The best churros we have had! If you decide to try the recipe let us know how it turned out!


Recipe inspo: Joshua Weissman|YouTube


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