The Hope Mission is Collecting School Supplies for Underprivileged Children in Edmonton

Hope Mission Back to School Supply Drive

Back to school is now less than a month away.

The last of what my kids need for school has either been ordered, or we have planned a day to go shopping, so we are sure we have everything they need before September. But there are many kids in our city that are not that lucky. Many whose parents cannot afford to get them the school supplies they require to be successful, and they will simply (and sadly) go to school without them.

The Hope Mission has many families like this in their programs right now, and are collecting supply donations until August 31. If you happen to have anything extra at all, even if it was from last year, any donation makes a difference.

Money can be pretty tight when you factor in school supplies, new clothes, indoor and outdoor shoes, if your kids are like mine, they have lost every single pair of socks you bought them over the past year and you need a whole new supply, plus the awesome *insert sarcasm* lunchroom fees that our parents never paid, but we now pay… (don’t get me started on that) – plus numerous other payments that need to be made in September. Having said that, my kids came home in June with unused binders, pencils, pens, duo-tangs, and more – these can also be donated! See the list of what they are looking to collect here:

Hope Mission Back to School Supply Drive

Even though money seems tight, when I look at this list and see that there are children most likely my own kids’ ages, that are also in need of things like soap, toothpaste and deodorant, my Mom heart hurts. I am sure I have extras of at least a couple of these things, or can purchase even one or two items, because every little bit helps – and I hope that there are other parents out there that feel the same.

If you are able to, or have anything around your house on the list that you are able to donate, the times and locations for the centers that are accepting the donations are here:

  1. Hope Mission main building (9908 106 Avenue)
    Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm
  2. Bargain Shoppe (2403 Ellwood Drive SW)
    Monday – Saturday from 9am – 5pm
  3. Tegler Youth Center (3805 118 Avenue)
    Monday – Friday from 3pm – 8pm

I hope that all kids have what they need to be successful this school year.

Contact Katherine at the Hope Mission with any questions about the collection of school supplies:


Telephone: 780-422-2018 ext  289

Photos: Hope Mission Website