Save Money on Cleaning Products, And Save the Environment at the Same Time. Check Out This Alberta Company Making our Homes Safer

Environmentally friendly products are now popular than ever, and for good reason. Check out some info on Green Chemistry, and save money on your cleaning supplies from this local company from right here in Alberta.


Traditional solvents are often toxic or are chlorinated. Green solvents, on the other hand, are generally derived from renewable resources and biodegrade to innocuous, often naturally occurring products. Ecologo Certified products, services and packaging are certified for reduced environmental impact. Ecologo certifications are voluntary, multi-attribute, lifecycle based environmental certifications that indicate a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing, exhaustive auditing, or both, to prove its compliance with stringent, third-party, environmental performance standards.

Who Is Sci-Tech Engineered Chemicals?

Sci-Tech Engineered Chemicals is a diverse research, development and chemical manufacturing company located in Acheson, AB. Sci-Tech has been developing and manufacturing “environmental chemistries” for a mulititude of industries since 2001. Sci-Tech currently sells and produces 8 different eco-logo “environmental products”. We will, over the next few months, introduce you to 3 products that could literally replace most all the cleaning products in your homes. No more reactions to dyes, fragrances or harsh chemicals.

9 reasons to start “Green Cleaning” today:

1. Make your home safer.

Warning! Flammable! Toxic! With labels like these on some conventional cleaning products, you get a pretty good idea that they aren’t really that safe. Many chemicals (e.g., chlorine and ammonia) when mixed together can be downright dangerous. Small children and pets are especially vulnerable due to higher exposure levels because of their size. Plus, household cleaning supplies are one of the top five substance classes accounting for calls to the National Poison Control Center

2. Protect Your Health.

Feel better with green cleaning products – literally. Unlike conventional cleaning products, you’ll know what you’re using won’t harm you, your family, or your pets. Symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, skin rashes, headaches, and more may “mysteriously” disappear once you stop using toxic cleaning chemicals. Considering many of the hazardous chemicals in conventional products are often carcinogens, neurotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, or endocrine disrupters, it is definitely worth ditching them in favor of natural green cleaning products.

3. Clean up Your Indoor Air.

Did you know that the use of conventional cleaning products can contribute to higher pollution indoors than outdoors? Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which have been associated with a host of health problems like damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system, are released when products are used and stored and can also linger in the air long after use according to the article “An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality” by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

4. Help the Environment.

When you choose to use green cleaning products, you are making a vote to protect the environment so to speak. Most ideal green cleaning products are made using sustainable

manufacturing practices and naturally derived, safe, non-toxic, and biodegradable ingredients that don’t negatively impact the environment. On the other hand, some conventional cleaning products contain ingredients that are toxic, hazardous, non-biodegradable, and from non-renewable resources like petroleum, so they adversely affect the earth’s eco-systems.

5. Save Some Money.

Add some green to your pocketbook by buying eco-friendly all-purpose cleaners that do multiple jobs, so you won’t have to purchase other products. Also, with more and more manufacturers entering the green cleaning scene, natural products are often competitively priced with their conventional, chemical-laden counterparts, and in some cases even cheaper.

6. Make Cleaning Easier

It’s much easier to have a few products that take care of your general cleaning needs than a whole arsenal of toxic products. So, you can often tackle multiple cleaning jobs in your home without switching products as you clean! Plus, you don’t have to worry about getting bleach stains on your clothes or accidentally mixing dangerous chemicals together as you clean when you go green!

7. Give Back To Your Community.

Many manufacturers of green cleaning products take social responsibility very seriously and often give a portion of their profits to organizations that further social, environmental, and educational change, for example. So, purchasing products from these companies means you are also giving a little back to your community, whether local or global.

8. Know What’s in Your Products.

Manufacturers of cleaning products aren’t required by the U.S. government to divulge ingredients; however, many green cleaning manufacturers make it their policy to be fully transparent, whereas some conventional manufacturers don’t and may only list a portion of their ingredients.

9. Become a Green Role Model.

Once you start using eco-friendly, green cleaning products and tools and see how well they work, others will most likely follow suit. So, don’t be shy about green cleaning at home or the office. As more join in, it means a healthier planet for us all to enjoy! Also, setting an example for children guarantees a brighter future for our planet as well.

MONTHLY OFFERING…… PROTOCOL K-300 (CFIA Approved. Ecologo Certified) $9.95 for a 1L bottle, which you can dilute to make several! Email: to arrange to pick yours up, or have it delivered!

Protocol K-300 is an all purpose cleaner designed to quickly penetrate dirt, oil, grease and other stubborn soils. A unique and carefully chosen blend of biodegradable builders and non-ionic surfactants enables K-300 to outperform many traditional water based cleaners. Since K-300 does not utilize butyls, phosphates or highly caustic chemicals it is safe to use and safe for the environment. Protocol K-300 is suited for everyday cleaning jobs and can be diluted to suit your needs.


2 thoughts on “Save Money on Cleaning Products, And Save the Environment at the Same Time. Check Out This Alberta Company Making our Homes Safer”

  1. I have been using protocol K 300 for several year and i have to say that this product is the BOOM! I had a friend from work who was wearing a white bloUse and she got pen ink on it. I told her about the k 300 and that i would try it for her. It worked!!!!!!! I got all the ink out. Several people i work with are noe uSing k 300.
    I also love to bake and putting oil on your counter or table Can sometimes be hard to get off. A couple sprays of the k 300 and Its cleaN. This product goes a long way The price as it can be diluted with water.

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