Playgrounds, Skate Parks and Outdoor Ball Parks Open Back Up This Weekend in Edmonton

The weekend has finally arrived. Playgrounds, skate parks and outdoor ball parks are now opened back up to the public in the City of Edmonton for safe use – with some restrictions.

What is open:

  • Play parks
  • Skate Parks
  • Outdoor Ball Parks

Areas phasing the re-opening of the above include: Edmonton, St. Albert & Strathcona County


  • Users are to maintain 2 meters distance between themselves and other playground users
  • Only share common equipment with members of the same family or cohert family (such as basketball courts)
  • Outdoor gatherings are still limited to 50 people or less
  • No team sports

It should be noted that the City will not be sanitizing the equipment, and anyone choosing to use the equipment/areas are expected to wash or sanitize their hands before and after use. People who are sick are expected to stay home. Drinking fountains and splash parks remain closed at this time.

More info can be found on the City of Edmonton website here.

Some families are choosing to wait a little longer, and some can’t wait to get out and play. There is no “right” way to feel about things opening back up again, so let’s all show each other kindness in these times.

Either way, which playgrounds do you and the kids miss the most??


For more things to do with the kids in Edmonton (& at home) follow Edmonton Mama on Instagram.


Photo credit: whatalittlegem.blogspot