Let’s Stop Competing for the Last Piece of Pie

As women, it feels like we’ve been conditioned to compete with one another. Getting that elusive slice of pie has become all encompassing, whether you’re in a professional space, or a ‘friend’ has a house that’s tidier, an outfit that’s more put together, a travel schedule that’s fuller, a child that behaves better – and the list goes on, and on, and on.

It’s when you step out of this competition space, that the magic happens.

We’ve been on both sides of that.

In the rebranding of this space on the internet, we’ve experienced ‘being’ the competition – like when you enter a room and the people already inside shift around uncomfortably, feeling like there are too many people in the area. There’s a bit of strife in opening up this space. It has made it feel a little tighter, in the room – with this new direction we’re taking. But here’s the thing; I believe that every time someone new enters the room, the room doesn’t get tighter, it expands.

We used to be in the room, quietly whispering about how tight the room was, enviously looking at the other bloggers in the room, or friends that seemingly had it all together. Seven years ago, we were concerned that there wasn’t enough pie for everyone to get a slice, and we felt like we had to scratch and climb our way to the front of the line to get a piece of the last pie.

Then, we learned an important lesson. We learned that there is space enough for everyone. Something incredible happened when we collaborated with those around us, exchanging our strengths and leaning on each other.

We stopped letting these thoughts of competition dominate our thoughts as the person in front of us takes a piece of the pie, and puts it on her plate. Whether the pie is at home, in your Moms group, or at work.

Let’s get inspired by the women who are put together, the women who are killing it in business and the women who have ‘perfect’ children. Instead of letting the insecurities of their green grass invade our thoughts.

Just do what you love, love what you do, and you’ll realize that there’s no need to compete for the last piece of pie.