How to Find the Best Size Bike (And Wheel Size) For Your Kids

Looking to get your little one a bicycle, but not sure what the correct size is? We’ve got you covered.

Wheel size is very important, but keep in mind: some brands of bicycles are made in a way that change the overall height of the bike, so sometimes multiple factors need to be taken into account when picking the right one for your child.

Typically, bikes are categorised by wheel size and have suggested ages for each. BUT – if you want the perfect size, get out your tape measure!

The secret method is this:

  1. Measure your child’s inseam (distance from the floor to the crotch)
  2. Know the correct wheel size for your child’s height/age
  3. Choose a style that fits their riding ability
  4. Pick a bicycle that fits them right away but they can grow with

Wheel size by age/height chart:

If your child’s inseam falls into two different wheel sizes, it is better to buy the bigger wheel size so your child can grow into the bike and have it for longer.

Great places to buy kid’s bikes: Walmart, Canadian Tire, Amazon, Toys R Us, Costco or get one second-hand off from Facebook Marketplace.

Did you know?

You can buy balance bikes for younger kids. They are super fun, and a great way to safely practice balancing on two wheels. This is what we got for my youngest and it made the transition to two wheels so easy! She actually preferred this one for years because of how much fun it was. Best part? They are intended for kids as young as 18 months! We made use of ours until age 6! Well worth the money and they have great re-sale value as well. Check out some great options for them here.

More details on choosing the right size bicycle for your child and how to properly measure can be found here. Don’t forget about helmets! Stay safe & have fun!



Youtube video and wheel size chart and photo credit: