My Girls Got to Attend the Coolest Mermaid Swimming Party – Check Out the Details on AquaMermaid School!

My girls got to attend the coolest Mermaid swimming party this weekend. AquaMermaid School in Edmonton hosts parties for kids (and adults! Ladies, get your goggles ready) where skilled instructors teach the students how to swim in Mermaid tails (which they provide for their lessons!). My girls were looking forward to this for weeks, had some of their closest friends join them, and had an absolute blast! When time was up, they all tried their best to doddle, so they could swim just a little bit more in their Mermaid tails, of course. Rounding up mermaids who are pretending they can’t hear you is quite the task, let me tell you!

The age group we attended with was 7-10, and all of the girls caught on right away, and off they went playing mermaid games! Swimming through hoops, retrieving treasures from the boat and below “sea level” – I will never get tired of hearing girls having fun and laughing, and that was exactly what we heard the whole time.

Classes take place at MacEwan University pool, where there is a large viewing area, so you can watch your kids closely without actually being on deck. The new owner, Ameena Kadri, is very enthusiastic about her business, and prides herself on both fun and safety of everyone attending. This really was a dream come true for my girls and their friends, and I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a new and unique party idea – my girls are still talking about it, and I don’t expect them to stop anytime soon!