Gifts Expectant Mamas Actually Want the Most

Toddler Wrangler. Snack Provisioner. Cleaning Lady. Laundry Enthusiast. Personal Hygiene Specialist. Chauffeur. Mealtime Cook. Bathtime Lifeguard. Little Human Dental Hygienist. Storytime Teller. Bedtime Soother.

These are just a few titles we take on when we become a new mom. When we receive news that we are expecting our second or even third child – baby gifts like clothing become insignificant for busy parents. Gifting clothing to new moms or moms expecting the opposite sex is great but for most, hand me downs are easy to come by and grandparents are constantly buying new clothing for the tiny humans.

For most expecting moms they really want something that will be useful. Gifting them something that won’t suck and get re-gifted or stored somewhere only to be forgotten about will be genuinely appreciated.

Here are some ideas for the expecting Mama:

House Cleaning Gift Certificates – this is a fantastic gift that will be appreciated by everyone in the household. What mom wouldn’t be grateful for not having to worry about cleaning the home with a new addition to the family.

Food – Restaurant gift cards, Frozen Meals – preparing a nutritious lunch or dinner when running on little to no sleep is the last thing moms want to spend energy on. Throwing a frozen meal in the oven for an hour or ordering from her favorite restaurant for dinner saves a lot of time and she can focus on feeding baby and caring for the other children.

Tip: host a frozen meal prep party at Simply Supper with other friends and family and gift the meals to the expecting parents.

Baby or Maternity Store Gift Card – once baby is born, there are things that mom or baby may need last minute. Like that expensive hands-free breastpump to increase milk supply or those high waist c-panties after an unexpected c-section. Having the extra funds to spend on costly last minute items will be appreciated.

Spa Day – Self Care is often neglected or forgotten about especially when caring for a newborn. Moms will be grateful for having that option to indulge in a relaxing massage or much needed mani/pedi. Plus it will give them an excuse to get out of the house – alone.

Mom & Baby Gift Boxes – every mom loves receiving mail that isn’t a bill. There are great curated gift boxes in Edmonton from Buddhi Baby that even distant friends/relatives can gift to the expecting mom.

Tip: A bottle of the moms favorite wine to enjoy for later, treats like Jacek Chocolate and even a Silky Sleep Mask will be greatly appreciated during those long days with barely any sleep and caring for everyone but mom.