Free Kids Activities & Family Fun: Have You Been to Your Neighbourhood Library Lately?

Looking for something fun for the kids to do indoors? Have you checked out your local library lately? There are so much more going on there than book borrowing. Preschool programs, family reading, teen lounge, lego at the library, and after school programs are just a couple of things planned in the next short while at EPL locations. Great for weekdays, weekends and school breaks. Best of all? They’re free!

Current & Upcoming Programs

Baby Laptime: Stories, songs, finger counting and more. For babies up to 12 months (and their caregivers!)

Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn: learn strategies to engage your child and enhance their communication and development. For kids 3 & under, siblings are welcome too!

Music Makers: parents and kids can sing, dance and learn about basic music concepts while learning classroom skills like taking turns and attentive listening. Great for kids aged 4-6.

LEGO at the Library: Come down to design and build a LEGO creation. Share your tips and tricks with other kids. Suitable for kids aged 6-12.

Family Films at the Library: family movies & popcorn for all!

Code in the Cold: Participate in an hour long code class. Design snowflake paths for Ozobots or icy smooth moves for Spheros as you explore the basics of coding. For kids aged 6 and up, teens and families.

Makercade – Minecraft, Roblox: explore building, making and creating skills through video games. For kids 6-12

Evil Genius Club: STEM activities – from robot battles to music to photography. Kids 6-12 can enjoy all things Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math.

Makercade: Minecraft, Roblox, explore building, making and creating skills through video games. For kids 6-12

Teen Lounge Jr: Join other kids in the program room to play video games, DIY projects and meet other kids. Suitable for ages 9-12.

Other programs include:

Preschool Problem Solvers, Day Home Rhyme Time, School’s Out games & challenges, Pop-up Maker Space, Game-on Board games for families, Minecraft Club, Make-music Mondays with real musicians, Daddy & Baby time, Traditional Arts & Crafts with the Canadian Native Friendship Centre and so much more.

Edmonton Public Library Locations:

Library locations around Edmonton have different schedules for each program. Use their website to search programs by date, location or program name here.

Remember: library cards for kids are free! You can also take out DVDs. The library is a great place to study, computers are free to use for everyone (and there are tablets with learning games for kids!) and a the perfect place to sit down and read books with your child.


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