Alberta K-12 Students Will Return to School Full Time Under Scenario 1 in September, 2020

Alberta’s education minister confirmed Tuesday, July 21 that Alberta students K-12 will return to school in September under Scenario 1 – “near-normal operations”

How kids return will vary based on cases in the region they are located in.

New measures will include:

  • Students being screened for illness
  • Frequent hand washing will be encouraged
  • Students and staff will be asked to stay home if they are feeling sick
  • Physical distancing will be practiced whenever possible
  • Enhanced cleaning in the schools and on school buses

Students and staff will not be required to wear masks. However, if they show symptoms of an illness, they will be asked to wear a mask until they are picked up from school. It can be expected that children will have more space in classrooms and will most likely be kept with the same group of cohort students during the day to limit any possible exposure.


See the website for updated information and more in depth details on the re-entry plan for Alberta students here.

How are you feeling about the announcement?


7 thoughts on “Alberta K-12 Students Will Return to School Full Time Under Scenario 1 in September, 2020”

  1. I will be homeschooling my children. There are homeschooling school boards in alberta that provide lots of options , either they will reimburse an open and go curriculum of my choice, or i can go online with a prgram that has been set up and successful online for many years at no cost. To put them in school to have them pulled out and put in and pulled out again sounds like stress.

  2. This is going to be a disaster
    Do you think parents are going to keep their children home from school when they are feeling sick after they have been off and at home for months and months. I highly doubt it. I cant believe this.

  3. I’m glad the focus isn’t on making the kids wear masks because for my young children I don’t think that would be a realistic expectation. My little son would absentmindedly lick and chew on a mask all day. He is a pro at handsanitizer and handwashing though.

    I’m hoping for the best. “Distance learning” was a disaster for us and I think my daughter is still trying to shake off that experience.
    Whatever happens for the fall I just hope it sticks because I don’t want her to feel abandoned by her teacher/school again and have her education reduced to google slide “tasks.”

  4. Vashni Gacusana

    How about alternating days of school with 50% capacity.. I think teacher should wear mask when interacting with students less than 2meters and mask off during lecture when she can be 2 meters or more with her students.. online schooling is still a good option for days that they are not in school.. if they have class A and B, if someone get sick in class A, class B are not affected.. 1-2 days of school so our kids can still come to school and online schooling for the rest of the week.. just a thought 😊

  5. And they will control this in high school how? Lunch time at the mall? 3000 kids at school. Disaster is right.

  6. Wow. Utter foolishness. I guess the government feels our children are as expendable as our seniors. Sad situation. Not saying don’t open but use some sense in setting guidelines! Scenario 1 almost guarantees everything will be shut in again by the end of October if not sooner.

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