You Can Get DIY Donut Decorating Kits From Tim Horton’s Right Now

Calling all donut lovers! Tim Horton’s is now selling DIY donut decorating kits.

Cost: $9.99

What comes with it:

  • 6 fresh plain donuts
  • Vanilla & chocolate icing
  • Two flavors of sprinkles
  • Plastic knives for icing spreading

No need to pre-order; just ask for the DIY kit when going through the drive-thru! Hurry though, these are only available until May 12, 2020 🙂


*Available at participating locations. See Tim Horton’s IG post with more info here.


Find Edmonton Mama on Instagram for more fun finds for families in the Edmonton area.


2 thoughts on “You Can Get DIY Donut Decorating Kits From Tim Horton’s Right Now”

  1. I saw this post and went through a Tim Hortons drive through with 2 excited kiddos to order one of these kits and the TH staff had no idea what I was talking about. Is this only available at certain locations?

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