What the Truck?! Is back this month! If you have never heard of it, it is Edmonton’s food truck extravaganza! The location changes, but the deliciousness does not. Come down to one of their events and you will surely find something (or way too many things) that you will love to eat!
What the Truck?! Dates & locations
1. Saturday, May 26
Time: 3:00-8:00pm
Place: Capital Boulevard (99 Ave and 108 Street, just off of 109 street & Jasper Ave)
2. Friday, July 6
Time: 5:00-10:00pm
Place: Edmonton Valley Zoo (Buena Vista Rd & 133 Street)
3. Sunday, August 26
Time: 11:00am-4:00pm
Place: Re/Max Field, Edmonton Ball Park (102 Street & 96 Ave)
See more photos and RSVP to their events on their Facebook page! See photos below for a little tease of what’s available! Happy eating, everyone!