Walk or Drive One of Edmonton’s Most Festive Streets: Candy Cane Lane Opens on December 10

Candy Cane Lane is one of Edmonton’s must-see events of the season. The majority of the neighbourhood participates in festive decorating and light displays on each of their properties. The event is the second largest contributor to the Edmonton Food Bank.

YEG Candy Cane Lane, 2021:

There are multiple ways to enjoy Candy Cane Lane with the family. Come after dark & always dress for the weather – gloves, hats and scarves are always a good idea! And don’t forget to bring a donation for the Edmonton Food Bank.

When: December 10, 2021 to January 1, 2022 – 6 pm to 10 pm nightly

Where: YEG Candy Cane Lane is currently situated on 148 Street between 100 Avenue to 92 Avenue

Walk the Lane:

Walking can take quite some time, but it’s an amazing experience. There are activities and games, warming stations and lots to see!

Tips for walking:

  • Dress for the weather, plus one extra layer
  • If you have a little one who can’t make the full walk, bring your stroller. Both sides of the street have sidewalks all the way down, and are cleared regularly.
  • Bring a backpack to store extra layers and a walking snack
  • Come with hot chocolate. Parents: great time for coffee & tea


Drive the lane: Cars move at a very slow pace, but that gives you time to take it all in. Remember – get your passengers to take the photos/videos!

Sleigh Rides:

Horse drawn sleigh rides go down and back the entire lane. Sleigh rides this year sold out completely within one day of tickets being released! Here’s hoping they open more time slots (fingers crossed!)

Get more info on Candy Cane Lane here. Stay warm & have fun!


Photo credit: wherezjeff | Instagram