Unique Valentine’s Day Cards for Kids

I was looking around (online, of course) for Valentines for my kids to bring to school with them, and found some super cute ones! Why didn’t they have these when I was little… to both hand out and to enjoy myself, haha! My girls both want the Fun Dip ones for their classes, but the other ones I found are pretty cool too, so I thought I would share! Still time to order! Valentine’s Day is 1 week away!

Fun Dip Valentines – price works out to be a little over $2 per Valentine on Amazon, so definitely not the cheapest, but sure to be the biggest hit with sugar-loving kids. I’m going to be looking around locally to see if they have them in store for a more reasonable price, because x2 will be quite pricey! Still a good idea though.

Super easy – printable Startburst themed Valentines, instant download, just print it out, then tape a Starburst or two to each one! Cute and creative for anyone who doesn’t have time to wait for something to come in the mail.

This one was my favorite! Tic Tac Toe themed Valentines! So adorable, and fun!

This Unicorn Cotton Candy themed Valentine idea is also a print-yourself one, quick and easy, you just have to supply the cotton candy. Make it unicorn themed and signed from your child’s name in just a click. Nice and easy!

Bring me back to the 90s!! Fortune Teller Valentines – these are so cool. Well, to me, haha. I think my kids really like them too though!


Good luck finding what you’d like, don’t forget to go to the stores the day after Valentine’s Day to find some yummy chocolates and treats on sale for yourself! Yum!