Telus World of Science Spring Break Camps 2021

The Telus World of Science Edmonton is hosting virtual Spring break camps for kids aged 6-11, and you are going to want to check them out. Each camp runs 90-120 minutes live with TWOS camp instructors and are highly engaging.

When: March 29 – April 1, 2021

Where: From anywhere! All you need is a desktop or laptop computer with internet connection to participate.

Cost: $75/camper; Telus World of Science Edmonton members get 10% off

Camp options

For kids aged 6-8:

  • Greetings Earthlings – you’re an alien from another galaxy and you need your guide to teach you how to navigate this little blue planet through virtual games, stories, star gazing & more.
  • Right in Your Own Backyard – Explore outdoor spaces through virtual tours, virtual scavenger hunts, virtual animal encounters, and create objects that will attract new life to your own backyard.

For kids aged 9-11:

  • Mars Missions – As part of the first group of humans to live on Mars, you will need to work to survive and thrive on this red planet! Each day mission control assigns a new task for you to complete using fun skills in science, technology, engineering and math.
  • House Hackers – Design, create and build using things you find around your own home! Use awesome tools to test your creative contraptions and ideas. Develop maker-skills and a passion for creation through imagination with this camp.

Kids participate in the camps with easy to obtain supplies, will have access to exclusive video content and extra activities, and spend their camp time live online with enthusiastic TWOS camp instructors.

Check out the Telus World of Science Edmonton website for more information. Questions about the camp? Give TWOS a call: 780-451-3344



This post has been sponsored by Telus World of Science Edmonton.