Snow Valley Ski Swap: Get A Head Start on the Ski Season

Snow Valley Ski Club is having their annual ski swap consignment sale this weekend. Sell your old gear and pick up some new-to-you gear to get a head start on the season with all the equipment you need.

How Selling Your Items Works

Consignment: Items you are looking to sell can be dropped off on Saturday at the times listed below. Consignment listing cost is $2 per item and the commission fee is 20% of the sale price of each item.

These proceeds will be split evenly between the Snow Valley Ski Club and the Snow Valley Racing Association.

The Sale

Sneak peek for season pass holders on Saturday, November 2 & sale for the general public on Sunday, November 3.

Where: Snow Valley Ski Club – 13204-45 Avenue, Edmonton


Saturday, November 2

  • 9 am to 4 pm: Consignment drop-off time
  • 6 pm to 8 pm: Season Pass holders can come get a sneak peek at what’s for sale

Sunday, November 3:

  • 8 am to 2 pm: SKI SWAP
  • 5 pm to 7 pm: Cheques for sold items; unsold item pick up


$2 per person or $5 per family. All admission proceeds go to Snow Valley’s Team Scholarship Fund.

For more information, see the Snow Valley website here.


Photo: Outdoor Sports Guide Magazine