Scary Alleged Incident in Callingwood Shows the Need For Parents to Talk to Kids of All Ages About Stranger Danger

The following incident has been posted about from a local Edmonton resident in the Callingwood area. No charges have been confirmed. See the post here:

I have not seen anything posted about charges being laid, but I assume the employees alerted authorities and this is being looked into. What we need to get from this story is that we need to talk to our kids about stranger-danger. Regardless of their age. Even if they’re old enough to go out on their own – they need to know to be aware at all times. When something seems too good to be true, it always is. Things are rarely actually “free” – and the thing I have always told my kids – if adults need help with something, they will ask another adult. They will not ask a child to help them.

Hoping everyone and their children stay safe!