Santa Claus Parades 2024!


Kingsway Holiday Parade  

Kingsway Holiday Parade will start at the east Airport Road entrance (across from Superstore) and make its way along Kingsway and ends at Kingsway Mall where Santa will be visiting. 

The parade will take part on the south side of Kingsway, heading eastbound towards Kingsway Mall. There are many areas you can safely sit with your family to view.  

 They encourage you to bundle up and be ready to enjoy the holiday parade.   

When: Saturday November 16, 2024, 5:00pm  

Where: Kingsway  

Cost: FREE/ Accepting donation for The Edmonton Food Bank  

See Map for Parade Route  



Wetaskiwin Annual Firefighter’s Santa Claus Parade  

The Wetaskiwin Fire Fighters are excited to be hosting their 13th annual Santa Claus Parade!!! 

The parade will start at Baker Funeral Chapel on 50th Ave and finish at City Hall. Once again, the firefighters will be collecting toys and food bank donations along the route.  

When: November 29,2024 6:45 Pm  

Where: Main Street 50th Ave Wetaskiwin, Ab   

Cost: Free/ Accepting Donations of Toys and Food Bank.  


Leduc Santa Claus Parade  


4:30pm – 5:30pm: FREE Photos with Santa inside City Centre Mall 

5:00pm: FREE Treats at 6 locations throughout the Downtown District. Light Up Wand Sales throughout the parade route (CASH ONLY). 

When: Saturday, November 30, 2024, 6pm Parade Start Time.  

Where: Along 47th street between 54 & 50th Ave Leduc, Ab  

Cost: Free   


Fort Saskatchewan Santa Claus Parade  

Santa Claus has jumped at the chance to return to the city when he was invited to the Friday, December 6, 2024, Christmas kick-off parade. He will once again ride through the downtown streets of neighborly Fort Saskatchewan aboard his magical sleigh.  

Local youngsters will once again have the chance to deliver their letters to Santa by handing them to one of his elves as his float passes through the streets.     

When: Friday December 6, 2024, Parade Starts at 7pm  

Where: Corner of 101 Ave & 101 Street Fort Saskatchewan, AB  

Cost: FREE