Planning a Summer Road Trip? Here’s What You Need to Check on Your Vehicle First

Anyone else itching to travel?? I know we are already planning our Summer road trips! With the past year in near constant lock down as far as travelling goes, many of us have neglected our regular maintenance on our vehicles. Even if you have only driven for essentials, seasonal maintenance is still so important.

Here is a great reminder of what you need to check before going too far in the car:


Have you switched your Winter tires to all-season tires yet? The right kind of tire for the season is important for both road safety and to extend the life of your tires.

What happens when you drive with Winter tires in Summer weather?

  • It can increase your braking distance (you cannot stop as quickly)
  • Winter tires do not shed water as easily as all season or Summer tires, increasing your risk of hydroplaning
  • Winter tires in hot weather create more rolling resistance, using up more gas ($$)
  • Winter tire rubber is much more flexible, leaving drivers on hot roads feeling less in control of the vehicle


Your breaks should be checked twice a year – typically when you switch over your tires. If there is a noise when you brake, your vehicle is probably trying to tell you something!

Tire Pressure

Tire pressure should be checked way more often than we think. A good rule of thumb is: every time there is a 10 degree change in temperature or every 30 days.

Did you know? Any Kal Tire location will check and adjust your tire pressure FOR FREE. Just drive up to the location nearest you during operating hours and call to ask them to check it for you. They will let you know where to pull up to and are usually super quick with coming out to get it done!

Condition of your wheels

Checking to make sure you have a safe amount of tread and no damage is important (especially during/after pot-hole season!) – You can have experts check this for you while you get your tire pressure adjusted for free at Kal Tire – just ask!


Check on the condition of your battery. Summer heat can drain the battery power, which can leave you stranded if your vehicle won’t start.

Here’s to hoping our travel restrictions are completely lifted by Summer as promised (fingers crossed!) Stay safe and enjoy your Summer!




This post was sponsored by Kal Tire.