Parcel Theives Back at it – This Time in Sherwood Park!

Package theives back at it! This time in Sherwood Park. Watch your door steps, watch for suspicious people in your neighbourhoods, and if you recognize this person, call the police!

Christmas is supposed to be a time of giving and there are horrible people out there that just want to take. Very sad; I’m glad these people had security cameras an hope the theives are caught. Stay vigilant!

Photos and info found on twitter thread, see below for the get away vehicle!

1 thought on “Parcel Theives Back at it – This Time in Sherwood Park!”

  1. I think the question we need to be asking is”Why are the couriers dumping parcels on the doorstep when there is no one home?” They have a depot that the parcel should be returned to for customer pick up.

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