Master Your Move: Moving Tips & Tricks, 2020

Moving is a huge change and lots of work. Adding things that need to be done for your move into your family’s already busy day can be down right overwhelming. We recently moved and have some tips and tricks we learned along the way to help make your move as easy as possible.


The first step to moving is deciding what is coming with you to your new home. Some good tips for getting rid of things that are not needed:

  • If you have not used the item in the past 12 months  – consider getting rid of it
  • Think of the lay out of your new place: if the furniture you currently have won’t work in the space, sell it!
  • Utilize Facebook Marketplace and double up by also posting things for sale on Kijiji. For the fastest sale: take a quick look first to see what other people are selling similar items for and try not to go too high with your asking price. Always include your approximate location, several photos and a detailed description (including any damage to the item) when you are listing something for sale.
  • Donating: If you prefer to donate, keep some local charities in mind. We donated a lot to Goodwill – they even help you unload when you arrive.


Go through the toys before they are packed up. Donate or sell the toys the kids have no interest in anymore, dispose of broken toys or incomplete game sets. OR – make the kids part of the downsizing! We love the bucket method – give each of the kids a large box or bin and tell them to put the toys that they play with the most/mean the most to them into said container. Those items are being kept; everything else is up for donation or for sale. If it helps make them feel better about letting some things go, let the kids keep the cash from said sales 😉


  • Make a schedule: Plan to pack a room or two a day. Be sure to plan a day off of packing every few days in case something come up, or if you just need a break from packing for a day.
  • Moving boxes can be expensive. Take a peek on Kijiji to see if anyone is selling good condition used boxes, or ask your local grocery store if they have any extra boxes
  • Label all of your boxes by the room & floor they need to be on at the new place. Ex: Upstairs, Master bedroom or Main floor: Kitchen
  • Set aside a couple of open me first boxes with the essentials
  • Garbage bags: Heavy duty bags are great for packing clothes, blankets and towels. You can even leave clothing from the closet on the hangers and bag them – making for easy unpacking once you’re in the new place
  • Consider investing in large rubber totes – they are strong, come with lids (and have handles) and are great for reusing later for storage of seasonal items, packing up for day trips, camping etc
  • Wrap dishes and breakables in your towels – it’s cleaner than using newspaper
  • Be sure to not make boxes too heavy – they can be hard to move and possibly even break open
  • Leave out the cleaning supplies you need to tidy up once everything is out of the house
  • Pack all of the chargers – if you aren’t sure if the charger cord goes with anything, pack it anyway. Match it up with devices when unpacking. Better safe than sorry
  • Leave out a garbage bag or two for yourself. You will need them – be sure to not confuse this bag with bags of clothing!

Taking apart furniture: Take pictures when you are taking apart beds, tables, desks etc so you can look back if you forget how they go together. Bag up any hardware (screws, pegs, etc) for each item, label the bag and tape it to the furniture it goes with for simple reassembly later.

Pro tip: Pre-plan & pick some of your favorite places to eat out (or order in) during the moving process. Don’t stress yourself with cooking if you don’t have to.

Moving day:

My personal tip: Consider hiring movers. Seriously.

We packed a U-haul and unloaded into a storage unit ourselves. It took four of us NINE hours (would have been even more time if we did not have childcare that day!) – and man, were we tired and sore the next day. We hired movers for move-in day and they packed up that same storage unit and unpacked/placed everything on the proper floor/desired room at the new house in THREE hours total. Cannot recommend this enough – so worth your time, body and peace of mind.

We chose: Two Small Men With Big Hearts Moving Co.

Why? They had very competitive rates, the customer service was outstanding right from the first phone call, quick to respond, transparent with pricing, very experienced and professional, and they came very highly recommended from others who have used them in the past here in Edmonton.

Choosing movers:

  • Compare rates: get several quotes if needed. Be sure to ask about hidden fees, travel time charges, and how long they think their employees will take to complete your move.
  • Make sure they have an insured company. This protects your belongings and the cost of any damages to your possessions and your home.
  • Availability: do your best to book in advance, but make sure your movers of choice have availability for you on your moving day.

Good to know:

  • All moving companies will charge for travel time (usually a half hour each way from their location to yours)
  • The insurance charge is usually extra (but isn’t much) – ask about it
  • Some companies have two movers, some offer more – keep in mind the hourly rate will be per mover – including that travel time mentioned above

Changing your address:

There are several places you need to notify when you move. Make a list with phone numbers, account numbers and dates you need to make the calls beforehand to make the process quick and easy.

  • Canada Revenue Agency: You can update your address on your MyCRA account online – and even choose a future moving date when the new address will come into effect. They can also take this information over the phone: 1-800-959-8281 
  • Utility companies: Be sure to update your utility companies that you are moving. Give them your last day in your current home and the first day in your new one to avoid paying for the bills on days you do not live at the property. This can be done in advance
  • Your bank & credit card companies
  • The kids’s schools
  • The registry: Update your lisence to your new address once you move. Any outstanding fines or tickets need to be paid before they will issue you a new ID – you can pay those in person or check/pay your tickets online at
  • Your insurance company: contact an insurance broker before changing anything over. You might be able to get a cheaper insurance rate elsewhere and can switch companies when you move

Mail forwarding: Canada Post offers mail forwarding for any bills or mail in your name that are still being sent to your old address. You can order this service online or go into any Canada Post location.

Do you have some amazing moving tips we didn’t think of? Comment with your pro tips!


Follow Edmonton Mama on Instagram and see our moving highlight for more tips, tricks and our whole moving process 🙂