It is getting to be that time of year. Everyone is sick, or so it seams. And it goes around the house for what seems like forever. One person starts to feel better, and another person starts to feel sick. It’s terrible. The worst is when the baby gets sick, though. They don’t understand what is going on, or why they aren’t feeling right. Breaks parents’ hearts sometimes.
This is what has been going on in our house all month. First it was Dad with a man-cold, then the oldest, (who begged to stay home from school for days after getting better), then mom & baby together! But how can you tell if your little one is just a bit hot, or concerning hot, when they can’t communicate what they are feeling? Especially when you’re not feeling the greatest either, and might be running a fever yourself. It’s hard to trust just your hand, and there is no way my baby would sit still long enough for an oral thermometer to take his temperature. We use the Philips Avent Smart Ear Thermometer – it takes less than two seconds to get a temperature reading, so our little one doesn’t even realize we took his temperature. When you’re not feeling so great (and on any other day too, actually), any way to avoid unnecessary crying, is the road to go. I don’t know how our parents got us to sit still long enough for an oral thermometer to take an accurate reading. Bless their patience, I could not do it.
The Philips Avent Smart Ear Thermometer can connect to the uGrow app, which is a great baby development tracker. It allows you to save body temperature history and easily share the info with your doctor if need be, among many other features to track your baby’s health and development over time. This thermometer has an LCD display, and will give you a warning in red if the temperature is above 38 degrees. I especially like this brand of thermometer because it holds the PTPA (Parent Tested Parent Approved) Seal of Approval.
As for tonight, I need a good sleep (a little voice in my head just laughed, because I have three kids, and I am not sure I even know what “good sleep” means anymore), but knowing my baby isn’t running a concerning temperature will help me to relax, and at least get the most out of my rest, broken as it may be, so I can get better too. Bundle up, get sleep where you can, eat healthy, remind the kids to wash their hands a little more often this season, and I wish all of the parents out there the best of luck with cold & flu season – may it skip your house, if it doesn’t, may it be over with quickly!
Wishing everyone health & happiness, Edmonton Mama
See more great Philips Avent baby products that can make your life easier HERE.
Disclosure: I am part of the PTPA Brand Ambassador program and I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.