Is Your Parenting Cup Empty? Have a Slow Week and Watch it Fill Up

The difference between this week and the last few has been measurable in the air. The last two weeks had been filled with to-do lists, work catch-up, planning for the summer when the kids are going to be home and attending events between my husband or I, five nights out of the week. We shelled out hundreds of dollars for babysitters, cashed in family babysitting and friend babysitting swapping and were so exhausted at the end of the week that we both left the car for dinner, walking a couple of steps that we nearly forgot that we had brought along the baby.

That dinner, we decided to make a difference that next week, something needed to change. The solution? We were going to have a slow week, we were going to take the week off – after all, most of the work was scheduled anyway. We were going to skip the kids activities, we were going to go to bed early, we were going to do as little work as possible and we were going to spend a couple of days at the lake.

Have a Slow Week 

Go to Bed Early | This week, we left the house messy when we went to bed, at least a few times. For me, this was more difficult than him because I like to wake up everything in order, tidied and things where they should be. I like to go to bed with counters cleared off and wiped, the table clear and clutter put away where it’s supposed to go. Instead, we went to bed early, not staying up for an extra hour to put away those things that were misplaced, and not staying up for a ‘few more minutes to answer one more email’.

Skip the Activities | During the week, we’ve usually got at least two events that we’ve got to attend, the kids have activities that they have to do and there are usually a couple more ‘nights out’ where we’re doing something with the kids. Instead of these activities, this week, we sent people in our place and we just stayed home, and played.

Make Dinner | I don’t know about you, but we get caught up in busy schedules and dinner is the last thing that we’re thinking about – aside from one night this week, we made dinner at home. The one day had been actually quite busy with errands and the only non-slow-day of our week, so skip the dishes seemed fitting. Other nights, we’ve included the kids in making dinner, preparing, helping, and getting it all on the table.

Get Outside | With busy schedules, and feeling overwhelmed, you might be forgetting to get outside. Lather on the sunscreen and the mosquito repellent and get outside for a few hours, every day. You’ll be surprised how refreshed you feel. We’ve done more outdoor adventures this week, than we have in the past month (and it’s inspired us to keep it up).

Ditch the Kids Tech | We were limited our phone and computer use this week, but for the kids, we’ve tried to eliminate it completely (with the exception of on the way to the lake, because a few hours in the car is just a little easier when they’ve got iPads to use). We put the iPads and other tech into the safe, where they weren’t tempting, and I might say, even forgotten, for the most part this week. 

Don’t Multitask | This one is hard for me. Even when I’m binge watching Netflix, I’m usually working to some capacity whether it’s researching, or watching a webinar at the same time, reading articles about social media or making content schedules – this week, I’ve done nothing for hours on end while I nursed Stella and didn’t multi-task, while I watched two seasons of some of my favourite Netflix originals, with no guilt.

Take Off | Take off for a couple of days, if you can. Rather than waiting for the weekend, take off during the week and unplug. Let your phones die and don’t recharge them until you’re on the way home from the adventure. Just turn it off, take off, and start from there.

Nap | Have naps (without the guilt of the many other things that need to get done). They’ll get done, eventually, this week is about refreshing and what’s more refreshing than naps? Pro tip: Set your timer for twenty minutes, any more and the nap might leave you feeling groggy (and cranky, if you’re like me!)

The slow week has left me energized, feeling filled with ideas and lusting for more adventure – and it’s refreshed my attitude, filled my cup and made it easier to find gratitude.