The Elf on the Shelf is a fun holiday tradition, but sometimes that guy runs out of ideas of where to go. We have some quick and creative ideas that are simple to set up and fun for the kids.
Super cute idea: Print out a calendar and let your child write down (or draw!) what the elf was doing that day. Save it for future Christmases or for when they are older
Elf on the Shelf ideas:
- It’s 2020: Your elf may need to quarantine! Get some great ideas for DIY quarantine jars on Pinterest, or buy a ready-made jar from a local seller on Etsy!
- Minion bananas – Sharpie + bananas *see photo above*
- Wrapped up in holiday wrapping paper
- Take an Elf-ie – use a Polaroid or print off a picture taken of the elf next to your little one while they sleep and leave a note: “we took an elf-ie last night!”
- TP the Christmas tree
- Making snow angels in icing sugar or rice
- Roll down the stairs on the inside of a toilet paper roll.. leaving a trail of TP down the stairs
- Sitting inside of a coffee cup – either with a coffee pod + straw, or the mixings for coco
- Hiding among stuffies or dolls
- “Gym Day” – marshmallows and a small straw (or even a toothpick!) make for great elf dumbbells they can hold
- In the microwave with (or inside) a ripped open bag of popped popcorn
- Stuck to the wall or window using Christmas bows
- Poking his/her head out of a stocking
- Reading a book
- Pooping chocolate chips (into a bowl) or on the counter
- Getting caught holding an erasable marker that just drew a funny face over people in a family photo *on the glass of the photo frame*
- Go fishing: Use a candy cane with floss and goldfish crackers to set up a fishing day in a bathroom sink
- Art project with scissors, markers, cut up paper, etc.
- The head (or half of the body) poking out of a box of the kids cereal *add a spoon in his hands for fun!*
- Marshmallow bath – mini marshmallows work best – fill a small container with them and let your elf take a relaxing Christmas bath
- Elf drink: a straw inside of a bottle of syrup makes for the perfect drink to quench your elf’s thirst!
- Climbing the Christmas Tree: use colored string to create a climbing adventure for your elf to make his way up the tree
- Hiding in a tissue box
- Sitting in a shoe
Accessories are always fun too! Get one-day delivery on these cute finds:
- Elf Mask (because you know, Covid)
- Elf footprint stencils
- Elf Edmonton Oiler’s jersey
- Santa hat & beard
Have an awesome idea you want to share with other parents? Feel free to share it in the comments
Photo: Stacy Molter Photography