Candy Cane Lane: How to Make The Most Out of Your Family Night

Candy Cane Lane is celebrating it’s 50th anniversary this year! It has also just been officially given the name Candy Cane Lane just this season. It is a December staple for many Edmonton families, and mine is no exception to this. The kids look forward to it every year, and so do I. In fact, we bring my parents with us too, and they enjoy it just as much. It just doesn’t get old. If you have the chance to come check it out before the season is over, go. Tickets for the bus tours that go from the Legislature to Candy Cane Lane sold out a long time ago, but there are other options:

Sleigh Rides:

  • These need to be booked. Visit the website for available dates & times, and to book your spot, here.
  • Book sooner than later, they are already 95% sold out for the season!
  • Tickets cost $17 per person
  • Infants under 2 that sit on the lap are free
  • Sleighs fit 22 people
  • Rides are 45-60 minutes, and go up and down the entire length of Candy Cane Lane.
  • Arrive 15 minutes before your sleigh departure. Their tight schedule doesn’t allow them to wait very long for missing passengers
  • Dress for the weather. And bring extra hats and mitts, it can get really chilly at night.
  • Bring a blanket or two. It is nice to have one to sit on, and one to cover up with.
  • Don’t forget your warm drinks. Hot chocolate in thermoses is our go-to


  • Candy Cane Lane is on 148 Street, and runs from 100 avenue to 92 avenue
  • Vehicles are welcome! It is very slow moving up and down the street, but that gives you time to take it all in
  • Have your passenger take photos & videos
  • Still pack the hot chocolate, obviously.

Walk the Lane.

  • The walk is an amazing experience. It may take a little longer to get up and down the entire area, but it’s worth taking the time
  • Dress for the weather, plus one extra layer
  • If you have a little one who can’t make the full walk, bring your stroller. Both sides of the street have sidewalks all the way down, and are cleared regularly.
  • Bring a backpack to store extra layers, and for everything the kids will want you to carry. There is always something.
  • Still come with hot chocolate. Parents: great time for coffee & tea

Completely organic, the Candy Cane Lane event was started by just 5 residents, spread to the neighbours over the years, and eventually became what it is today – a place where hundreds of thousands of people visit each holiday season to take in the Christmas displays and lights.

The event this year will run until January 1, 2019. It serves as a collection site for the Edmonton food bank, so remember to bring a non-perishable food item with you!