We Need More Turkey in Our Lives, Check Out These Delicious Holiday Appetizer Ideas You Haven’t Thought of Before

It’s no secret, the holidays mean lots of good food. Snacks and baking aren’t the only thing I look forward to though. What about the Turkey?! Turkey seems to only be cooked a couple of times a year, usually on special occasions, so that is what I have always associated it with. We need to start re-thinking that, though.

Here are some reasons we should be thinking turkey more often:

  • Both dark and light cuts are lean.
  • Budget friendly – legs, thighs, etc are supersized, so you don’t need to buy as many to feed the family
  • Juicy and flavorful. Something different and delicious
  • BEST: Turkey makes fantastic leftovers. And, it freezes well!

Do you know what I just learned this week, too? You can actually buy half-turkeys! So if you don’t want to cook that much turkey, you can easily feed a family of 4-6 on a half, and still have some left overs. Remember: your butcher is an invaluable resource.

You can also choose from several cuts of turkey meat. I like the idea of getting just a little bit, because if you are used to turkey only on special occasions as the main dish, you are missing out on so much. Check out this video for amazingly delicious Turkey, Cranberry and Goat cheese bites:

Looking for more? Check out this Turkey Holiday Appetizer guide:

alberta holiday guide (1)

For additional tips, recipes, Turkey Basics videos and HOW TOs? Visit Alberta Turkey for all your cooking inspiration.


This post was sponsored by Alberta Turkey.